
Step-by-Step Instructions

You will need:  Growing Medium; Containers; Seeds

Empty approximately 90% of growing medium into a bowl.  Add enough water to moisten the soil, but do not make it watery.

DEPENDING on the size of the container:  If you are using a standard tea cup, sugar bowl, or creamer then you  will use one packet of growing medium per container.  If you are using a plate or demi-tasse then you will only need one bag for all of them.  


Sprinkle a PORTION of the seed packet into the container.  There are enough seeds in each packet for multiple crops.  (You can extend your growing medium by using less in each container)

Sprinkle the remaining DRY growing medium over the seeds.  Don't worry if some of the seeds show through.

Using the spray bottle, moisten the dry soil.

Loosely cover each container will plastic wrap to create a mini greenhouse.

Example of Plates as Growing Containers

Place under a lamp using the 60 watt LED daylight bulb including in your box.  Moisture will form on the plastic wrap and help keep your soil moist while the seeds germinate.

**If you have a tall lamp, try placing boxes under the containers so they are closer to the light source.

STEP 7: 
Once the seeds germinate you can remove the plastic wrap.  You will need to monitor the soil and make sure it does not dry out.  Mist it several times a day if necessary.

STEP 8:  When the seedlings are approximately 3" tall it is time to harvest them!  Cut them just above soil level.  Rinse and pat dry - ENJOY!

Example of Demi-Tasse containers.  These microgreens need to grow a bit longer